Employ experts

How to get your expert on board

You have found a fitting expert and agreed on the general conditions? Congratulations! Now you can hire him with a single Mouse click and report the assignment to us. This is very simple and can be done in just a few minutes. Re-engagement is also quick and uncomplicated.

Your benefits in a nutshell

  • An overview of all experts employed via GULP Direkt. Both active and already completed assignments.
  • Simple administration and documentation of hours worked by the expert.
  • Previously contracted experts can be re-employed quickly and easily if necessary.

Employ experts

How it works

Employ button at candidates in contact
Employ button at application details
  • In the next step, you can check the details of the expert again, as well as the corresponding application and correspondence for the vacancy.
  • Once you have ensured that the expert is the correct one, click on the "Employ" button.
Employ expert form
  • In the subsequent form, you can enter the general conditions of the assignment.
  • Contract type: Will the expert be hired as a freelancer or as a permanent employee?

    • Freelancer: Will the project be billed on an hourly rate basis or with a fixed price?

    • Permanent position: What gross annual target salary has been agreed?

  • Depending on the selection, details such as start date, end date and workload are required.
  • Depending on the selection, the service fee for GULP also varies. We display the key conditions directly. You can find detailed information on the page "Pricing and conditions".
  • By clicking "Employ", this assignment will be generated and can be found in the overview 'Employed experts'.
  • If contracted on an hourly rate basis, you will be reminded by e-mail, if required, to report the hours worked by the expert to us on a monthly basis.
Employ expert summary
  • Finally, you will see the details of the reported assignment.
  • Via the "Edit" button, you can modify details such as the start/end date of the employment and the workload.
  • For the contract type "Freelancer", you can change the billing (hourly rate or fixed price) as long as no hours worked have been reported.
  • Via the button "Confirm employment end date" you can report that an assignment will definitely end on a certain date.

    • After the end date has been reached and all hours worked have been reported, the assignment is automatically moved to the archive for former employment.

  • Permanent employments are marked accordingly. These remain in the active employments for the first three months. After that, they are automatically moved to the archive.

Re-employ an expert

How it works

Re-employ experts from archived employments
  • Go to the archive of already employed experts.
  • If necessary, use the search function "Filter by name" to find the desired expert.
  • Click on the expert.
  • You will now see the details of the previous assignment.
  • Click on "Re-employ".
Re-employ expert form
  • Now state the project title in the form for which the expert will be employed.
  • Please also enter the general conditions of the assignment.
    If required, you can choose between the contract types 'Freelancer' on an hourly rate/fixed price basis or 'Permanent employment', just as with the initial employment of an expert.
  • By clicking on "Re-employ", this assignment is generated and can be found in the overview 'Employed experts'.
  • If you hire on an hourly rate basis, you will be reminded, as usual, to report the hours worked by the expert to us on a monthly basis.

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