HR&Recruiting Consulting Talent Advisory Consultant Charakterprofiler
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1 Jahr 1 Monat
2023-09 - heute

Character profile

Character profiler
Character profiler
1 Jahr 1 Monat
2022-07 - 2023-07

HR&Recruiting Consulting

  • HR&Recruiting Consulting
  • Personal development
  • Position succession
on request
2 Jahre 9 Monate
2019-11 - 2022-07

medical research

Scientist in medical research
Scientist in medical research
  • Developing a method and a system for aging in a healthy way
Martin-Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

Aus- und Weiterbildung

Aus- und Weiterbildung

2 Jahre 5 Monate
2016-10 - 2019-02


Master of Science, Martin-Luther University Halle-Wittenberg
Master of Science
Martin-Luther University Halle-Wittenberg
  • Immunology, Human genetics, protein biotechnology, plant biochemistry, nucleic acid biochemistry, bioinformatics
  • Thesis involved studying of OTUD3 and proteasome system
2 Jahre 9 Monate
2013-10 - 2016-06


Bachelor of Science, Martin-Luther University Halle-Wittenberg
Bachelor of Science
Martin-Luther University Halle-Wittenberg
  • Thesis involved studying a method to measure GFP-protein constructs in yeasts




Prozessentwicklung Beratung Optimierung Menschen Charakterprofiling Personalentwicklung Recruiting HR

Produkte / Standards / Erfahrungen / Methoden

Character profiling
Personal development
Recruitng&HR strategies
On-/Offboarding systems
Process optimization
Selection&Keeping systems
Team building&constellations


  • I am a character profiler with holistic knowledge of Recruiting and HR strategies. 
  • I am also experienced in customized and personalized consulting concepts based on character profiles.

Working mode:

  • non-constant, flexible working time

Decision type:

  • intuition

Team position:

  • supporter

Job position:

  • part of a large system

Needs: private & business

  • Security and protection for themselves and their loved ones
  • Emotional connection and care for their relationships
  • Comfort and warmth in their environment
  • Security and loyalty in relationships
  • Recognition for their loyalty and reliability


  • swordsman (direct&honest)

Leading style:

  • system-orientated, focus in&out



  • Liberation from obstacles that hinder individuality.


  • The drive to maintain one's integrity by resisting the influence of others.


  • Controlled use of willpower and authority to overcome adversity.


  • The deep source of awareness that selects what deserves attention and can contribute to the common good.

Special effects:

  • Pushes people's buttons intending to provoke them to find the right spirit in their reaction
  • Creates tensions that elicit an emotional response
  • High sense of justice&fairness
  • Does not accept control
  • Recognizes gaps and patterns in systems


  • 10% Purpose
  • 17% Individuality
  • 10% Ressources
  • 7% Communication
  • 10% Relationships
  • 7%  Self-expression
  • 13% Routines
  • 10% Teamwork
  • 3% Transformation
  • 7% Development
  • 7% Ambition


Stats: Describes the ideal fields of excellence where this human being can best thrive.

  • 17% Individuality: In the world of work, it represents the personality in the workplace. It shows how you present yourself, your work ethic, and the impression you leave on colleagues and superiors. But it's also about individuality and taking the initiative.
  • 10% Resources: Material values, financial matters and personal value in terms of work and property are reflected here. It shows how to use your skills and resources to achieve professional goals and what value you attach to material goods.
  • 7% Communication: Communication, learning, business trips, and interaction with colleagues belong here. It also reflects the ability to process information and exchange ideas.
  • 10% Relationships: It stands for the working environment as a second home, the relationship with colleagues, and emotional security in the workplace. This also shows how important teamwork and a family working environment are.
  • 7% Self-expression: Creativity, innovation, self-expression in work, and the willingness to take responsibility and show leadership are located here.
  • 13% Routines: The daily work routine, work ethic, services for others, and health in the workplace are the focus here. It also shows the urge for perfection and efficiency.
  • 10% Teamwork: Partnerships, collaboration, teamwork and the ability to connect and balance with others belong here.
  • 3% Transformation: Profound changes, cooperation in financial matters, research and the pursuit of deeper understanding within the work context are reflected here.
  • 7% Development: It stands for further education, travel for business purposes, the pursuit of higher knowledge, the belief in professional growth, and the search for new perspectives.
  • 7% Ambition: Career, professional ambitions, public reputation and the perception of the position in the working world are at home here.
  • 0% Network: Networks, cooperation in large groups, the role in the community, and participation in innovative projects are reflected here.
  • 10% Purpose: It stands for the unconscious forces that work in the world of work, the willingness to demarkation, the connection to the spiritual, and the search for transcendence in the professional context.


  • 46% Initiation
  • 25% Fixed
  • 29% Mutable

Legend Motivation:

Initiation: 46%

  • This motivation corresponds to the pioneers, those who are motivated to push new ideas and bring about change. In the working environment, they are often the ones who are willing to take risks, start new projects, and drive innovation. Their motivation is to break new ground and change the status quo. However, they could sometimes be overambitious and tackle too many projects at the same time, which could lead to overload.

Fixed: 25%

  • These people are known for their perseverance and consistency. In the world of work, they are often the ones who have a long-term vision and persist in achieving their goals. They are reliable and insist on carrying things out to the end. However, they could also tend to resist changes or stick to established routines, which could affect their adaptability.

Mutable: 29%

  • This motivation represents flexibility and adaptability. People with this drive tend to easily adapt to different ways of working, environments, and changing requirements. They can react quickly to changes and find new solutions. Your motivation is to continuously adapt and explore different possibilities. However, they could sometimes be indecisive or have difficulty committing to a specific direction.

Working mode:

  • This human being belongs to the non-constant energy types and therefore thrives with flexible working hours and the option to work from home. 
  • A traditional 9 to 5 routine is not ideal for them.

Decision type:

  • In a professional setting, the intuitive decision-maker is someone who strongly trusts their inner voice. This intuition acts as an early warning system that detects and warns of potential dangers. Intuition often manifests as a quiet inner whisper. It is subtle and requires a certain sensitivity to be heard. Despite its quiet nature, it can provide valuable insights that go beyond rational thinking and can be crucial for success in the workplace. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to this inner whisper and recognizing it as a potential guide for making the right decisions. The impulsive inklings of intuition are often lightning-fast and spontaneous. 
  • They come quietly and can be easily overlooked amidst distractions or intense concentration. An interesting aspect is that these intuitive impulses occur only once and cannot be explained rationally. Many people tend to ignore these quiet signals because they cannot be understood through logical explanations.

Team position:

  • This position focuses on helping and supporting other team members. Supporters are empathetic and willing to stand up for the well-being and needs of others. 
  • They offer support, motivate teammates, and promote a positive team culture.

Job position:

  • A system is an organized and structured unit or group of components that interact and work together to achieve common goals or functions. It can be applied at various levels of human interaction, including societies, networks, units, partnerships, and individuals, to describe the dynamic relationships and processes that lead to a specific purpose or goal. These people thrive best when they hold a key position in a system. They are often seen as special due to their powerful intuition and holistic perspective. 
  • Their strong spirit sometimes makes them feel lost but also turns them into magnetic personalities who inspire others to seek a deeper meaning in life. In a way, they are outsiders who can be everywhere but never truly belong anywhere. They live on the edge of life, viewing it from a zoomed-out perspective. Profound and grounded, they blend into the various realms and perspectives of others.

Communication type:

  • The swordsman - (powerful and intimidating): Communication in the style of a swordsman is direct, honest and effective. People who use this style get straight to the point and use a powerful, specific language that demands attention. 
  • They speak with authority and selfconfidence, sometimes they carry their words like a sword of justice and leave a lasting impression with their powerful and decisive nature.

Leading style: 50:50

  • Diplomat: A diplomatic leadership style focusses on internal relationships, teamwork and the creation of a harmonious and cooperative environment. A diplomat strives to balance internal conflicts and promote a common vision. Warrior: A warrior is focussed on external competition, challenges and adaptation to external circumstances. 
  • This leader fights with determination for the success of the company in a competitive environment.






1 Jahr 1 Monat
2023-09 - heute

Character profile

Character profiler
Character profiler
1 Jahr 1 Monat
2022-07 - 2023-07

HR&Recruiting Consulting

  • HR&Recruiting Consulting
  • Personal development
  • Position succession
on request
2 Jahre 9 Monate
2019-11 - 2022-07

medical research

Scientist in medical research
Scientist in medical research
  • Developing a method and a system for aging in a healthy way
Martin-Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

Aus- und Weiterbildung

Aus- und Weiterbildung

2 Jahre 5 Monate
2016-10 - 2019-02


Master of Science, Martin-Luther University Halle-Wittenberg
Master of Science
Martin-Luther University Halle-Wittenberg
  • Immunology, Human genetics, protein biotechnology, plant biochemistry, nucleic acid biochemistry, bioinformatics
  • Thesis involved studying of OTUD3 and proteasome system
2 Jahre 9 Monate
2013-10 - 2016-06


Bachelor of Science, Martin-Luther University Halle-Wittenberg
Bachelor of Science
Martin-Luther University Halle-Wittenberg
  • Thesis involved studying a method to measure GFP-protein constructs in yeasts




Prozessentwicklung Beratung Optimierung Menschen Charakterprofiling Personalentwicklung Recruiting HR

Produkte / Standards / Erfahrungen / Methoden

Character profiling
Personal development
Recruitng&HR strategies
On-/Offboarding systems
Process optimization
Selection&Keeping systems
Team building&constellations


  • I am a character profiler with holistic knowledge of Recruiting and HR strategies. 
  • I am also experienced in customized and personalized consulting concepts based on character profiles.

Working mode:

  • non-constant, flexible working time

Decision type:

  • intuition

Team position:

  • supporter

Job position:

  • part of a large system

Needs: private & business

  • Security and protection for themselves and their loved ones
  • Emotional connection and care for their relationships
  • Comfort and warmth in their environment
  • Security and loyalty in relationships
  • Recognition for their loyalty and reliability


  • swordsman (direct&honest)

Leading style:

  • system-orientated, focus in&out



  • Liberation from obstacles that hinder individuality.


  • The drive to maintain one's integrity by resisting the influence of others.


  • Controlled use of willpower and authority to overcome adversity.


  • The deep source of awareness that selects what deserves attention and can contribute to the common good.

Special effects:

  • Pushes people's buttons intending to provoke them to find the right spirit in their reaction
  • Creates tensions that elicit an emotional response
  • High sense of justice&fairness
  • Does not accept control
  • Recognizes gaps and patterns in systems


  • 10% Purpose
  • 17% Individuality
  • 10% Ressources
  • 7% Communication
  • 10% Relationships
  • 7%  Self-expression
  • 13% Routines
  • 10% Teamwork
  • 3% Transformation
  • 7% Development
  • 7% Ambition


Stats: Describes the ideal fields of excellence where this human being can best thrive.

  • 17% Individuality: In the world of work, it represents the personality in the workplace. It shows how you present yourself, your work ethic, and the impression you leave on colleagues and superiors. But it's also about individuality and taking the initiative.
  • 10% Resources: Material values, financial matters and personal value in terms of work and property are reflected here. It shows how to use your skills and resources to achieve professional goals and what value you attach to material goods.
  • 7% Communication: Communication, learning, business trips, and interaction with colleagues belong here. It also reflects the ability to process information and exchange ideas.
  • 10% Relationships: It stands for the working environment as a second home, the relationship with colleagues, and emotional security in the workplace. This also shows how important teamwork and a family working environment are.
  • 7% Self-expression: Creativity, innovation, self-expression in work, and the willingness to take responsibility and show leadership are located here.
  • 13% Routines: The daily work routine, work ethic, services for others, and health in the workplace are the focus here. It also shows the urge for perfection and efficiency.
  • 10% Teamwork: Partnerships, collaboration, teamwork and the ability to connect and balance with others belong here.
  • 3% Transformation: Profound changes, cooperation in financial matters, research and the pursuit of deeper understanding within the work context are reflected here.
  • 7% Development: It stands for further education, travel for business purposes, the pursuit of higher knowledge, the belief in professional growth, and the search for new perspectives.
  • 7% Ambition: Career, professional ambitions, public reputation and the perception of the position in the working world are at home here.
  • 0% Network: Networks, cooperation in large groups, the role in the community, and participation in innovative projects are reflected here.
  • 10% Purpose: It stands for the unconscious forces that work in the world of work, the willingness to demarkation, the connection to the spiritual, and the search for transcendence in the professional context.


  • 46% Initiation
  • 25% Fixed
  • 29% Mutable

Legend Motivation:

Initiation: 46%

  • This motivation corresponds to the pioneers, those who are motivated to push new ideas and bring about change. In the working environment, they are often the ones who are willing to take risks, start new projects, and drive innovation. Their motivation is to break new ground and change the status quo. However, they could sometimes be overambitious and tackle too many projects at the same time, which could lead to overload.

Fixed: 25%

  • These people are known for their perseverance and consistency. In the world of work, they are often the ones who have a long-term vision and persist in achieving their goals. They are reliable and insist on carrying things out to the end. However, they could also tend to resist changes or stick to established routines, which could affect their adaptability.

Mutable: 29%

  • This motivation represents flexibility and adaptability. People with this drive tend to easily adapt to different ways of working, environments, and changing requirements. They can react quickly to changes and find new solutions. Your motivation is to continuously adapt and explore different possibilities. However, they could sometimes be indecisive or have difficulty committing to a specific direction.

Working mode:

  • This human being belongs to the non-constant energy types and therefore thrives with flexible working hours and the option to work from home. 
  • A traditional 9 to 5 routine is not ideal for them.

Decision type:

  • In a professional setting, the intuitive decision-maker is someone who strongly trusts their inner voice. This intuition acts as an early warning system that detects and warns of potential dangers. Intuition often manifests as a quiet inner whisper. It is subtle and requires a certain sensitivity to be heard. Despite its quiet nature, it can provide valuable insights that go beyond rational thinking and can be crucial for success in the workplace. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to this inner whisper and recognizing it as a potential guide for making the right decisions. The impulsive inklings of intuition are often lightning-fast and spontaneous. 
  • They come quietly and can be easily overlooked amidst distractions or intense concentration. An interesting aspect is that these intuitive impulses occur only once and cannot be explained rationally. Many people tend to ignore these quiet signals because they cannot be understood through logical explanations.

Team position:

  • This position focuses on helping and supporting other team members. Supporters are empathetic and willing to stand up for the well-being and needs of others. 
  • They offer support, motivate teammates, and promote a positive team culture.

Job position:

  • A system is an organized and structured unit or group of components that interact and work together to achieve common goals or functions. It can be applied at various levels of human interaction, including societies, networks, units, partnerships, and individuals, to describe the dynamic relationships and processes that lead to a specific purpose or goal. These people thrive best when they hold a key position in a system. They are often seen as special due to their powerful intuition and holistic perspective. 
  • Their strong spirit sometimes makes them feel lost but also turns them into magnetic personalities who inspire others to seek a deeper meaning in life. In a way, they are outsiders who can be everywhere but never truly belong anywhere. They live on the edge of life, viewing it from a zoomed-out perspective. Profound and grounded, they blend into the various realms and perspectives of others.

Communication type:

  • The swordsman - (powerful and intimidating): Communication in the style of a swordsman is direct, honest and effective. People who use this style get straight to the point and use a powerful, specific language that demands attention. 
  • They speak with authority and selfconfidence, sometimes they carry their words like a sword of justice and leave a lasting impression with their powerful and decisive nature.

Leading style: 50:50

  • Diplomat: A diplomatic leadership style focusses on internal relationships, teamwork and the creation of a harmonious and cooperative environment. A diplomat strives to balance internal conflicts and promote a common vision. Warrior: A warrior is focussed on external competition, challenges and adaptation to external circumstances. 
  • This leader fights with determination for the success of the company in a competitive environment.

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