Cloud platforms, system integration, software development and requirements analysis.
Aktualisiert am 26.09.2024
Freiberufler / Selbstständiger
Verfügbar ab: 01.10.2024
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davon vor Ort: 100%
? Software engineering and architecture
? Cloud and infrastructure engineering
? Requirement analysis
? Process analysis and optimization
? DevOps Evangelist



Deutschland, Schweiz, Österreich
nicht möglich



1 year 8 months
2023-02 - now

Understanding ChatBots ? PoC for Restaurants

Project Manager Azure C# Blazer Stack Atlassian ...
Project Manager

Can the server recommendations be replaced by a friendly chatbot that understands the needs and aiding customers? (Aiding understaffed restaurants)

  • Requirement analysis.
  • Creating User Stories and Implementation concepts.
  • Cost optimisation in token usage.
  • System-Architect.

Azure C# Blazer Stack Atlassian OpenAI GhatGPT and Google Gemini
4 years 3 months
2020-01 - 2024-03

Process design and implementation

Cloud architect, software architect (tooling infrastructure area as well as cloud native apps development). Kubernetes Helm GO (Cobra ...
Cloud architect, software architect (tooling infrastructure area as well as cloud native apps development).

Process design and implementation in the area of product development / deployments and infrastructure with a focus on cloud (cloud native design)

01/2020 ? 06/2022 (Greenfield phase)

  • Infra-team lead and coordination (until 07/2020).
  • CI/CD pipelines for cloud tools and applications.
  • Developed a GO-based library and an underlying CLI to connect the build and cloud tools. (Versioning, GitHub releases, Helm templating, product builds, Docker builds, image promotions and deployment through GitOps).
  • Establish infrastructure through ?Infra as Code? (AWS and K8S components).
  • Integration of OAUTH solutions such as Keycloak and implementation of automatic integration with other tools.
  • Design observability in the process and technical implementation (logging, monitoring and audit).
  • Development of Helm Chart for the individual products according to the ?Configuration as Code? principle.
  • Propagating the DevOps mentality for better collaboration within the product team or across teams such as the security or service team.

07/2022 ? 06/2023 (Migration Phase)

  • Cloud migration planning and implementation together with a task force from the Infra team (from Cloud provider Syncier to Cloud provider Allianz Technology).
  • Managing RFCs.
  • Documentation of Migration from an architectural point of view.
  • Migration of all workloads from KOPS to EKS.
  • Migration of the IAM to our own solutions (AzureAD and Keycloak on Prem).
  • Migration to your own solutions (OPA Gatekeeper, Jenkins, Keycloak, from technical users to Pod identities in connection with AWS roles).
  • Adaptation to Allianz Tech cloud standards.
  • Customization of terraform modules.
  • Lifecycle Infra tools from the open-source area (decommissioning and adoption).
  • Continuous cost optimization.
  • Security and process design in coop with ISO ? static and active: Statical code analysis, linting, vulnerability scanss at build and runtime; E2E encryption with a service mesh overlay (Linkerd and later Istio); Network policies and cluster policies (Open Policy Agent and Rego). Identifying the blast radius, defining containments and actions. (No lateral movement under Zero Trust).

07/2022 ? 03/2024 (Consolidation phase)

  • Aggressive cost optimization in the new environment (along with refactoring, tool decommissioning and tool adoption).
  • Refactoring of deployment processes while maintaining GitOps standard.
  • Alert definitions for resource consumption.
  • Streamlining build deployment processes in the new environment.
  • Creating User Stories for further implementation
  • Extensive documentation for requirements, process and decisions for the Infra side of the project.
  • PoC proposals for adopting new technologies.
  • Team enabling through knowledge transfers.

Kubernetes Helm GO (Cobra Viper Templating etc?); AWS Components (KMS RDS Mongo Kafka S3 etc?) Artifactory and Xray Jenkins via IaaC and Masteragents pattern in K8S Keycloak (terraforming and IAM Rolendefinition Company-wide) Observabilty per Grafana Prometheus LOKI (logging) Alertmanager EFK ELK ChatOPS; Antora and Atlassian Stack for documentation and process mapping
Allianz Digital Health
8 months
2020-06 - 2021-01

Legal Tech Platform / for Ludwig-Maximilians-University Legal Chair Munich

Project Manager Atlassian Stack AWS Springboot and Angular ...
Project Manager

Developing a Tool for measuring and identifying the publication threshold through machine-learning and historical data. (When a message is needed to published that can influence the stock price of a public company)

  • System Architecture.
  • Requirement analysis.
  • Design based on Cloud Technologies.
  • Stakeholder management.
  • QA.
  • Test-management.
  • Integration of the R&D from the legal chair of the university.

Atlassian Stack AWS Springboot and Angular Elasticsearch AWS Lambda for the Machine Leargning parts (Python) SQL for scraping of data
Ad-hoc Intelligence
1 year 1 month
2018-12 - 2019-12

Development of a PaaS based on Kubernetes

Cloud Engineer Kubernetes Rancher Ansible playbook bundles ...
Cloud Engineer
  • Design and implementation of the tool integrations (Jenkins, Artifactory, Sonarqube, Postgres, etc.) in the PaaS.
  • Design and develop a GO-based CLI to support Syncier Cloud's potential customers in various use cases (application migration to the product cloud platform, tool provisioning and tool management).
  • Design and development of a cloud native application for simplified cluster management via the GitOps process (GitHub).
  • Integration of OAUTH solutions such as Keycloak and implementation of automatic integration with other tools.
  • CI/CD pipelines for cloud tools and applications.
  • Gitflow and automatic versioning for images and artifacts.
  • Development of Docker images for use as build agents (Jenkins Agents).
  • Further development of Helm Jenkins for customers under the ?Configuration as Code? principle.
  • Propagating the DevOps mentality for better collaboration within the product team or across teams such as the security or service team.
Kubernetes Rancher Ansible playbook bundles Helm (Jenkins Artifactory SonarQube Patroni - Postgres etc.) Chartmuseum skaffolding Shell scripting GO (Gin Viper)
Syncier GmbH (Allianz Start Up) ? Product Engineering
1 year 11 months
2017-02 - 2018-12

Continuous delivery (pipelines), monitoring, alerting, logging and infrastructure

DevOps / SRE / Software Engineer Docker Openshift Cloud Foundary ...
DevOps / SRE / Software Engineer

Continuous delivery (pipelines), monitoring, alerting, logging and infrastructure for participating projects

  • Transfer of knowledge and solutions between the project teams in the areas mentioned.
  • Pairing with different teams (different applications) to create automated context-based solutions in the continuous integration area (Jenkins pipelines).
  • Moderating the DevOps meetings and presenting the solutions found.
  • Promote pilot technologies in the areas of security scanning, monitoring and testing.
  • Support and induction assistance for new project teams in the ATC technology landscape.
  • Building innovative monitoring and alerting solutions with Prometheus and Grafana.

Docker Openshift Cloud Foundary Prometheus Grafana AWS Administration Jenkins Python YAML Shellscripting Selenium Sonar Cube Nexus Artifactory
Allianz Training Center projects, overarching ?DevOps? team
10 months
2018-01 - 2018-10

Continuous Delivery (Pipelines)

DevOps / Software Engineer Cloudfoundry Javascript (Express) Groovy ...
DevOps / Software Engineer

Continuous Delivery (Pipelines), Monitoring, Alerting, Logging and development of a cloud native application

  • Further development of the middleware (Express) and its migration in the cloud structure of the Agile Delivery Platform (Cloud Foundry).
  • Development of a deployment strategy to strengthen cooperation between the department and the development team using the GitHub flow principle. This also includes development of proxy solutions so that differently installed components can be linked together in feature branches.
  • Migration of the existing Jenkins jobs to the new infrastructure and the development of further integrations with tools such as Sonarqube and Artifactory for a CI flow.
  • Development of a functional library with reusable functions to support additional Jenkins jobs.
  • Automation of a four-eye principle in the migration and continuous delivery context.
  • Development of a dedicated monitoring and alerting solution in Prometheus-Grafana stack.
  • Propagating the DevOps mentality in the team and KT sessions with pair programming.

Cloudfoundry Javascript (Express) Groovy Prometheus Grafana Jenkins YAML Sonar Cube Artifactory
Allianz Germany AC, online claims platform
1 month
2017-01 - 2017-01

Historicization of deployments

DevOps / Software Engineer Ansible Docker Gitlab-CI ...
DevOps / Software Engineer

Historicization of deployments by expanding the CI pipelines for the existing WPDirect Bank applications (Linux and Windows)

  • Information logging from the different artifacts (Docker Images RPM, NuGet) during deployment on the different deployment stages.
  • Extension of Ansiblerroles for version recording.
  • Building a web interface to display the deployment history based on the different applications and deployment stages.
  • Participate in the development of work instructions for implementing changes.
Ansible Docker Gitlab-CI Python YAML Gunicorn Flask Shellscripting und Powershell scripting NuGet chocolatey
Financial IT
1 month
2017-01 - 2017-01

Creation of example CI pipelines with Docker for training purposes

DevOps trainer Gitlab-CI Maven Docker ...
DevOps trainer
Gitlab-CI Maven Docker Alpine YAML Kubernetes
2 years
2015-01 - 2016-12

Management of docking processes

Business Analyst DB2 Jira Confluence Objectif ...
Business Analyst

Allianz Business System (ABS)

  • Management of docking processes between customer and local environments (interface management).
  • Determination and control of requirements at a functional and technical level.
  • Mainly responsible for the interfaces to the main customer (VW) in the ?Contract? and ?People? departments.
  • Responsible for the IT area ?Contract? (SCRUM) in the Agile Design and Development pilot project.

DB2 Jira Confluence Objectif SoapUI A2K JBoss und PL/1
Allianz Managed Operations & Services SE
2 years 10 months
2013-03 - 2015-12

Requirement analysis and further development

Software Engineer Java XML Hessian ...
Software Engineer
  • Requirement analysis and further development of the internal ERP system.
  • Planning, construction and administration of the network (Germany and China).
  • Network administration.
Java XML Hessian java3d Shell scripting openvpn iptables archlinux
Selve A.G.
2 years 5 months
2013-03 - 2015-07

System integration and continuous integration

Software Engineer Java WSDL MYSQL ...
Software Engineer
  • System integration and continuous integration.
  • Architecture design based on SOA for backend.
  • Responsible for the payment systems and their further development
  • Contact person for the interfaces with the main customer.
  • Adaptation of the system to new business activities and processes as well as further development in the areas of online shop (frontend and backend) and POS (Galeria Kaufhof).
Java WSDL MYSQL PHP Zend Linux LAMP Gitlab
Shoecom GmbH
2 years 9 months
2010-07 - 2013-03

Software development of new products

Software Engineer PHP Javascript MySQL ...
Software Engineer
  • Software development of new products in the Web2Print area.
  • Mobile development for iOS (Friendscout app / Autoscout app).
  • Network and server administration
PHP Javascript MySQL Objective C (COCOA) Java ITEXT Google WebToolkit(Java)
Reprodukt Medien GmbH
1 year 11 months
2007-04 - 2009-02

Software development in the areas

Software Engineer Post Relational Database Cache Cache Server Pages Mobile MDE scripting and configuration
Software Engineer
  • Software development in the areas of trade, logistics and industry with standard IT solutions.
  • Level 3 support (software and hardware MDE).
  • Customer support.
  • Database Administrator.
  • Network planning for customers including implementation.
Post Relational Database Cache Cache Server Pages Mobile MDE scripting and configuration
Newtec GmbH

Aus- und Weiterbildung

Aus- und Weiterbildung


Computer Science


Technical University of Munich


  • CKAD, CKA und CKS (2022-2023) - Kubernetes
  • ISAQB - Certified Professional for Software Architecture
  • CPRE - Certified Professional for Requirements Engineering
  • ISTQB - Certified Software Tester
  • CCNA - Cisco Certified Network Associate Data




? Software engineering and architecture ? Cloud and infrastructure engineering ? Requirement analysis ? Process analysis and optimization ? DevOps Evangelist

Produkte / Standards / Erfahrungen / Methoden


  • As an experienced IT professional, he enriches every project with his wide-ranging skills and extensive experience with new technologies. The Freelancer mainly worked for enterprise IT solutions and in the last few years mainly in the area of Cloud Engineering. 
  • He has several years of experience in the areas of cloud platforms, system integration, software development and requirements analysis and impresses clients and colleagues alike with his self-confident demeanor, communication and reliability.


Main qualifications:

  • Software engineering and architecture
  • Cloud and infrastructure engineering
  • Observability and security through monitoring / logging / AUDIT
  • Network conception and administration
  • Requirement analysis
  • Technical conception
  • Process analysis and optimization

Technical Expertise


  • Gin
  • Cobra, Viper
  • Java Swing, JavaFX
  • Spring Framework

Server / Infra:


  • Kubernetes / Openshift
  • Docker
  • Cloud Foundry
  • Terraform und Ansible
  • AWS (EKS, Fargate, Kafka, KMS, RDS, Cloudtrail, VPN, Peering, etc.)

Server Side:

  • Solr/Apache Lucene
  • Openvpn
  • Iptables
  • Apache Webserver
  • nginx
  • Express
  • Tomcat
  • Node
  • Postfix (E-Mail Server)
  • Dovecot (IMAP Server)

Communication / Collaboration:

  • Confluence
  • Jira
  • Slack
  • HipChat
  • GitHub
  • GitLab
  • ObjectIF

Development tools:


  • VS Code
  • IntelliJ
  • X-Code


  • GIT
  • Subversion


  • Maven
  • Gradle
  • Npm
  • Mage


  • Selenium Hub

Monitoring / Logging / Alerting:

  • ELK-Stack
  • Prometheus/Grafana
  • Dynatrace

Static Code Analysis:

  • Sonar Cube


  • Jenkins
  • Gitlab-CI
  • Drone

Other Tools:

  • Grafana (Observability and Alerting)
  • DBVisualizer
  • Visual Paradigm


Linux - Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS, Alpine, Archlinux


Webservices (REST, SOAP)
JSON, XML, XSD, XForms, Xquery, eXist, WSDL
HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery


Prometheus (Time-series DB)



Deutschland, Schweiz, Österreich
nicht möglich



1 year 8 months
2023-02 - now

Understanding ChatBots ? PoC for Restaurants

Project Manager Azure C# Blazer Stack Atlassian ...
Project Manager

Can the server recommendations be replaced by a friendly chatbot that understands the needs and aiding customers? (Aiding understaffed restaurants)

  • Requirement analysis.
  • Creating User Stories and Implementation concepts.
  • Cost optimisation in token usage.
  • System-Architect.

Azure C# Blazer Stack Atlassian OpenAI GhatGPT and Google Gemini
4 years 3 months
2020-01 - 2024-03

Process design and implementation

Cloud architect, software architect (tooling infrastructure area as well as cloud native apps development). Kubernetes Helm GO (Cobra ...
Cloud architect, software architect (tooling infrastructure area as well as cloud native apps development).

Process design and implementation in the area of product development / deployments and infrastructure with a focus on cloud (cloud native design)

01/2020 ? 06/2022 (Greenfield phase)

  • Infra-team lead and coordination (until 07/2020).
  • CI/CD pipelines for cloud tools and applications.
  • Developed a GO-based library and an underlying CLI to connect the build and cloud tools. (Versioning, GitHub releases, Helm templating, product builds, Docker builds, image promotions and deployment through GitOps).
  • Establish infrastructure through ?Infra as Code? (AWS and K8S components).
  • Integration of OAUTH solutions such as Keycloak and implementation of automatic integration with other tools.
  • Design observability in the process and technical implementation (logging, monitoring and audit).
  • Development of Helm Chart for the individual products according to the ?Configuration as Code? principle.
  • Propagating the DevOps mentality for better collaboration within the product team or across teams such as the security or service team.

07/2022 ? 06/2023 (Migration Phase)

  • Cloud migration planning and implementation together with a task force from the Infra team (from Cloud provider Syncier to Cloud provider Allianz Technology).
  • Managing RFCs.
  • Documentation of Migration from an architectural point of view.
  • Migration of all workloads from KOPS to EKS.
  • Migration of the IAM to our own solutions (AzureAD and Keycloak on Prem).
  • Migration to your own solutions (OPA Gatekeeper, Jenkins, Keycloak, from technical users to Pod identities in connection with AWS roles).
  • Adaptation to Allianz Tech cloud standards.
  • Customization of terraform modules.
  • Lifecycle Infra tools from the open-source area (decommissioning and adoption).
  • Continuous cost optimization.
  • Security and process design in coop with ISO ? static and active: Statical code analysis, linting, vulnerability scanss at build and runtime; E2E encryption with a service mesh overlay (Linkerd and later Istio); Network policies and cluster policies (Open Policy Agent and Rego). Identifying the blast radius, defining containments and actions. (No lateral movement under Zero Trust).

07/2022 ? 03/2024 (Consolidation phase)

  • Aggressive cost optimization in the new environment (along with refactoring, tool decommissioning and tool adoption).
  • Refactoring of deployment processes while maintaining GitOps standard.
  • Alert definitions for resource consumption.
  • Streamlining build deployment processes in the new environment.
  • Creating User Stories for further implementation
  • Extensive documentation for requirements, process and decisions for the Infra side of the project.
  • PoC proposals for adopting new technologies.
  • Team enabling through knowledge transfers.

Kubernetes Helm GO (Cobra Viper Templating etc?); AWS Components (KMS RDS Mongo Kafka S3 etc?) Artifactory and Xray Jenkins via IaaC and Masteragents pattern in K8S Keycloak (terraforming and IAM Rolendefinition Company-wide) Observabilty per Grafana Prometheus LOKI (logging) Alertmanager EFK ELK ChatOPS; Antora and Atlassian Stack for documentation and process mapping
Allianz Digital Health
8 months
2020-06 - 2021-01

Legal Tech Platform / for Ludwig-Maximilians-University Legal Chair Munich

Project Manager Atlassian Stack AWS Springboot and Angular ...
Project Manager

Developing a Tool for measuring and identifying the publication threshold through machine-learning and historical data. (When a message is needed to published that can influence the stock price of a public company)

  • System Architecture.
  • Requirement analysis.
  • Design based on Cloud Technologies.
  • Stakeholder management.
  • QA.
  • Test-management.
  • Integration of the R&D from the legal chair of the university.

Atlassian Stack AWS Springboot and Angular Elasticsearch AWS Lambda for the Machine Leargning parts (Python) SQL for scraping of data
Ad-hoc Intelligence
1 year 1 month
2018-12 - 2019-12

Development of a PaaS based on Kubernetes

Cloud Engineer Kubernetes Rancher Ansible playbook bundles ...
Cloud Engineer
  • Design and implementation of the tool integrations (Jenkins, Artifactory, Sonarqube, Postgres, etc.) in the PaaS.
  • Design and develop a GO-based CLI to support Syncier Cloud's potential customers in various use cases (application migration to the product cloud platform, tool provisioning and tool management).
  • Design and development of a cloud native application for simplified cluster management via the GitOps process (GitHub).
  • Integration of OAUTH solutions such as Keycloak and implementation of automatic integration with other tools.
  • CI/CD pipelines for cloud tools and applications.
  • Gitflow and automatic versioning for images and artifacts.
  • Development of Docker images for use as build agents (Jenkins Agents).
  • Further development of Helm Jenkins for customers under the ?Configuration as Code? principle.
  • Propagating the DevOps mentality for better collaboration within the product team or across teams such as the security or service team.
Kubernetes Rancher Ansible playbook bundles Helm (Jenkins Artifactory SonarQube Patroni - Postgres etc.) Chartmuseum skaffolding Shell scripting GO (Gin Viper)
Syncier GmbH (Allianz Start Up) ? Product Engineering
1 year 11 months
2017-02 - 2018-12

Continuous delivery (pipelines), monitoring, alerting, logging and infrastructure

DevOps / SRE / Software Engineer Docker Openshift Cloud Foundary ...
DevOps / SRE / Software Engineer

Continuous delivery (pipelines), monitoring, alerting, logging and infrastructure for participating projects

  • Transfer of knowledge and solutions between the project teams in the areas mentioned.
  • Pairing with different teams (different applications) to create automated context-based solutions in the continuous integration area (Jenkins pipelines).
  • Moderating the DevOps meetings and presenting the solutions found.
  • Promote pilot technologies in the areas of security scanning, monitoring and testing.
  • Support and induction assistance for new project teams in the ATC technology landscape.
  • Building innovative monitoring and alerting solutions with Prometheus and Grafana.

Docker Openshift Cloud Foundary Prometheus Grafana AWS Administration Jenkins Python YAML Shellscripting Selenium Sonar Cube Nexus Artifactory
Allianz Training Center projects, overarching ?DevOps? team
10 months
2018-01 - 2018-10

Continuous Delivery (Pipelines)

DevOps / Software Engineer Cloudfoundry Javascript (Express) Groovy ...
DevOps / Software Engineer

Continuous Delivery (Pipelines), Monitoring, Alerting, Logging and development of a cloud native application

  • Further development of the middleware (Express) and its migration in the cloud structure of the Agile Delivery Platform (Cloud Foundry).
  • Development of a deployment strategy to strengthen cooperation between the department and the development team using the GitHub flow principle. This also includes development of proxy solutions so that differently installed components can be linked together in feature branches.
  • Migration of the existing Jenkins jobs to the new infrastructure and the development of further integrations with tools such as Sonarqube and Artifactory for a CI flow.
  • Development of a functional library with reusable functions to support additional Jenkins jobs.
  • Automation of a four-eye principle in the migration and continuous delivery context.
  • Development of a dedicated monitoring and alerting solution in Prometheus-Grafana stack.
  • Propagating the DevOps mentality in the team and KT sessions with pair programming.

Cloudfoundry Javascript (Express) Groovy Prometheus Grafana Jenkins YAML Sonar Cube Artifactory
Allianz Germany AC, online claims platform
1 month
2017-01 - 2017-01

Historicization of deployments

DevOps / Software Engineer Ansible Docker Gitlab-CI ...
DevOps / Software Engineer

Historicization of deployments by expanding the CI pipelines for the existing WPDirect Bank applications (Linux and Windows)

  • Information logging from the different artifacts (Docker Images RPM, NuGet) during deployment on the different deployment stages.
  • Extension of Ansiblerroles for version recording.
  • Building a web interface to display the deployment history based on the different applications and deployment stages.
  • Participate in the development of work instructions for implementing changes.
Ansible Docker Gitlab-CI Python YAML Gunicorn Flask Shellscripting und Powershell scripting NuGet chocolatey
Financial IT
1 month
2017-01 - 2017-01

Creation of example CI pipelines with Docker for training purposes

DevOps trainer Gitlab-CI Maven Docker ...
DevOps trainer
Gitlab-CI Maven Docker Alpine YAML Kubernetes
2 years
2015-01 - 2016-12

Management of docking processes

Business Analyst DB2 Jira Confluence Objectif ...
Business Analyst

Allianz Business System (ABS)

  • Management of docking processes between customer and local environments (interface management).
  • Determination and control of requirements at a functional and technical level.
  • Mainly responsible for the interfaces to the main customer (VW) in the ?Contract? and ?People? departments.
  • Responsible for the IT area ?Contract? (SCRUM) in the Agile Design and Development pilot project.

DB2 Jira Confluence Objectif SoapUI A2K JBoss und PL/1
Allianz Managed Operations & Services SE
2 years 10 months
2013-03 - 2015-12

Requirement analysis and further development

Software Engineer Java XML Hessian ...
Software Engineer
  • Requirement analysis and further development of the internal ERP system.
  • Planning, construction and administration of the network (Germany and China).
  • Network administration.
Java XML Hessian java3d Shell scripting openvpn iptables archlinux
Selve A.G.
2 years 5 months
2013-03 - 2015-07

System integration and continuous integration

Software Engineer Java WSDL MYSQL ...
Software Engineer
  • System integration and continuous integration.
  • Architecture design based on SOA for backend.
  • Responsible for the payment systems and their further development
  • Contact person for the interfaces with the main customer.
  • Adaptation of the system to new business activities and processes as well as further development in the areas of online shop (frontend and backend) and POS (Galeria Kaufhof).
Java WSDL MYSQL PHP Zend Linux LAMP Gitlab
Shoecom GmbH
2 years 9 months
2010-07 - 2013-03

Software development of new products

Software Engineer PHP Javascript MySQL ...
Software Engineer
  • Software development of new products in the Web2Print area.
  • Mobile development for iOS (Friendscout app / Autoscout app).
  • Network and server administration
PHP Javascript MySQL Objective C (COCOA) Java ITEXT Google WebToolkit(Java)
Reprodukt Medien GmbH
1 year 11 months
2007-04 - 2009-02

Software development in the areas

Software Engineer Post Relational Database Cache Cache Server Pages Mobile MDE scripting and configuration
Software Engineer
  • Software development in the areas of trade, logistics and industry with standard IT solutions.
  • Level 3 support (software and hardware MDE).
  • Customer support.
  • Database Administrator.
  • Network planning for customers including implementation.
Post Relational Database Cache Cache Server Pages Mobile MDE scripting and configuration
Newtec GmbH

Aus- und Weiterbildung

Aus- und Weiterbildung


Computer Science


Technical University of Munich


  • CKAD, CKA und CKS (2022-2023) - Kubernetes
  • ISAQB - Certified Professional for Software Architecture
  • CPRE - Certified Professional for Requirements Engineering
  • ISTQB - Certified Software Tester
  • CCNA - Cisco Certified Network Associate Data




? Software engineering and architecture ? Cloud and infrastructure engineering ? Requirement analysis ? Process analysis and optimization ? DevOps Evangelist

Produkte / Standards / Erfahrungen / Methoden


  • As an experienced IT professional, he enriches every project with his wide-ranging skills and extensive experience with new technologies. The Freelancer mainly worked for enterprise IT solutions and in the last few years mainly in the area of Cloud Engineering. 
  • He has several years of experience in the areas of cloud platforms, system integration, software development and requirements analysis and impresses clients and colleagues alike with his self-confident demeanor, communication and reliability.


Main qualifications:

  • Software engineering and architecture
  • Cloud and infrastructure engineering
  • Observability and security through monitoring / logging / AUDIT
  • Network conception and administration
  • Requirement analysis
  • Technical conception
  • Process analysis and optimization

Technical Expertise


  • Gin
  • Cobra, Viper
  • Java Swing, JavaFX
  • Spring Framework

Server / Infra:


  • Kubernetes / Openshift
  • Docker
  • Cloud Foundry
  • Terraform und Ansible
  • AWS (EKS, Fargate, Kafka, KMS, RDS, Cloudtrail, VPN, Peering, etc.)

Server Side:

  • Solr/Apache Lucene
  • Openvpn
  • Iptables
  • Apache Webserver
  • nginx
  • Express
  • Tomcat
  • Node
  • Postfix (E-Mail Server)
  • Dovecot (IMAP Server)

Communication / Collaboration:

  • Confluence
  • Jira
  • Slack
  • HipChat
  • GitHub
  • GitLab
  • ObjectIF

Development tools:


  • VS Code
  • IntelliJ
  • X-Code


  • GIT
  • Subversion


  • Maven
  • Gradle
  • Npm
  • Mage


  • Selenium Hub

Monitoring / Logging / Alerting:

  • ELK-Stack
  • Prometheus/Grafana
  • Dynatrace

Static Code Analysis:

  • Sonar Cube


  • Jenkins
  • Gitlab-CI
  • Drone

Other Tools:

  • Grafana (Observability and Alerting)
  • DBVisualizer
  • Visual Paradigm


Linux - Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS, Alpine, Archlinux


Webservices (REST, SOAP)
JSON, XML, XSD, XForms, Xquery, eXist, WSDL
HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery


Prometheus (Time-series DB)

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