EU und Ausser EU verfügbar
Cross-referencing & Analysis of Safety related requirements for Rail infrastructure items for Driving on sight (Fahren auf Sicht) betwwen BOStrab, TR SIG ZA and CENELEC EN 50129 norms.
Creation of Filemaker 19 bespoke App to aid in visualising a cross-reference & analysis of functions & requirements between VDV-Schrift 336-1 & VDV Schriften 331 with additional categorisation of safety impact of VDV 331 relating to the functions and requirements to Driving on sight. App was fully documented and commented in German and English.
Analysing and comparing maintenance task data (MTA) from suppliers and internal sources to determine true LCC.
Defining, integrating and optimising maintenance support tasks across all systems.
Analysing HMoD (Hellenic MOD) Follow on Support contract proposal for Leopard II Main Battle Tank by using ILS knowledge and requirements management experience to
Eurocopter, EADS
Military Aircraft, EADS
1995 - 1999
Aerospace Engineering
University of Manchester, Manchester, England
Thesis on request
Misc. Courses
Cultural Mediation Course
EADS Munich, Germany
RAM/LCC/ILS/Logistic Engineering/ RAM Engineer
Flying Licenses
IT - Knowledge
EU und Ausser EU verfügbar
Cross-referencing & Analysis of Safety related requirements for Rail infrastructure items for Driving on sight (Fahren auf Sicht) betwwen BOStrab, TR SIG ZA and CENELEC EN 50129 norms.
Creation of Filemaker 19 bespoke App to aid in visualising a cross-reference & analysis of functions & requirements between VDV-Schrift 336-1 & VDV Schriften 331 with additional categorisation of safety impact of VDV 331 relating to the functions and requirements to Driving on sight. App was fully documented and commented in German and English.
Analysing and comparing maintenance task data (MTA) from suppliers and internal sources to determine true LCC.
Defining, integrating and optimising maintenance support tasks across all systems.
Analysing HMoD (Hellenic MOD) Follow on Support contract proposal for Leopard II Main Battle Tank by using ILS knowledge and requirements management experience to
Eurocopter, EADS
Military Aircraft, EADS
1995 - 1999
Aerospace Engineering
University of Manchester, Manchester, England
Thesis on request
Misc. Courses
Cultural Mediation Course
EADS Munich, Germany
RAM/LCC/ILS/Logistic Engineering/ RAM Engineer
Flying Licenses
IT - Knowledge